Hello! My name is Jordyn Fail, and yes, that really is my last name. I promise I've heard every single joke about it, but its also the reason I have Failproof Photography as my artist identity. I am currently attending Snow College and I am a part of the AFA (associate of fine arts) program. I will be graduating with my degree in May, and will hopefully be transferring into a BFA (bachelor of fine arts) program at another university.
When I was fourteen I purchased my first camera and from the moment I held it, I knew that photography was going to be a big part of my life. My friends and I would go out and take pictures of each other for hours at a time. When I got to high school I took the photography classes offered and found workshops in the valley to attend—loving every single moment and soaking in as much knowledge as I could. However, when I got to college and declared art as my major I didn't know what I was getting myself into. Being an art major required me to study all kinds of art, rather than just photography. When I walked into my first class, drawing one, it was very evident that I had never done this before. Everyone else in the class had been drawing and taking drawing classes for years. It definitely was a rough class for me, but I improved so much. I know it sounds crazy, but working and learning in other mediums actually helps you improve in your preferred medium. Looking back at the work I produced in high school and comparing it to what I'm producing now, is proof that everything I have learned in other mediums strengthened my photography. Not only do I have a love for the visual arts, I also have a love for the performance arts. I have been singing since the age of three and have been a part of the theatre world since the age of twelve. I have been in a plethora of shows and I am getting ready to audition for another show, Phantom of the Opera, in a few weeks.
AuthorJordyn Fail |